Hello, I would like to know the amounts for cream cheese and sour cream (in grams also). I don't understand what you meant here with the 2 sets of...

... parenthesis. Thank you :

  • Posted by: Raluca
  • December 21, 2015


creamtea December 21, 2015
It's 3 8-oz. packages. It has to do with how you enter the data in the "amounts" field when adding a recipe--it skips to the line below when the information in that field runs over.
702551 December 21, 2015
Food52 does some goofy page layout things with recipes that make some a bit inscrutable.

3 packages of cream cheese (8 oz.)
1 carton of sour cream (16 oz.)
Raluca December 21, 2015
I wasn't sure, but i figured it's 3 packages of 8 ounces. Thanks :)
Susan W. December 21, 2015
That is a little confusing. It's saying three 8 ounce packages of cream cheese. That would be 227 grams each package according to one that I happen to have. 16 ounces of sour cream would be 454 grams. In both cases, Lucy says low fat will work, but nonfat will not. Personally, I would go with full fat, but that is up to you.
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