Where to find mini BITTERSWEET chocolate chips?
I see mini semisweet chips all the time, but where does one find mini bittersweet chips? After a quick search, it seems like it's only available to wholesalers? Is that right? Thanks!
mstvApril 27, 2016
What about something like this? They may also have more options on this website but this was the first one I found.
SmaugApril 26, 2016
I was just in the store and noticed a new (to me) brand of chips- "Live Well" I think it was, something like that. They had mini chips- I think they were called semi sweet, don't remember, but those designations are meaningless; you'd have to try them. I know nothing of them other than that they were expensive; maybe I'll try them some day when I'm feeling rich.
BerryBabyApril 26, 2016
Just found that Guittard has Bittersweet baking wafers available for 9.95 a bag on their site. Those could easily be broken up into pieces.
BerryBabyApril 26, 2016
Have never seen bittersweet chips. Guittard and Nestle make the mini semi-sweet chips. Guittard aren't as sweet.
SmaugApril 26, 2016
Guittard makes a dark chocolate chip; don't know if they come in mini- despite making the best chips and being a local company, they aren't very well represented in stores in my area.
jamcookApril 26, 2016
I have ordered the Guittard bittersweet chips from the King Arthur Catalogue, and although not officially "mini" , I can attest that they are smaller than regular size chips ... Kind of a compromise.
calendargirlApril 26, 2016
I have been looking for the same thing, Garlic Fiend -- MINI BITTERSWEET chips! The listing on Amazon which Susan W found is for 10 POUNDS, definitely more than I would like to purchase at one time. I will keep looking and will report back if I manage to find them.
Susan W.April 26, 2016
Too bad Amazon won't split them up for us. I'm obsessed with finding them now. I miss my mini chips. I'll keep looking too.
Garlic F.April 26, 2016
Why hasn't anyone thought of packaging mini bittersweet chips? Right? King Arthur Flour, if you're listening...
Susan W.April 26, 2016
@garlicfiend, are you not seeing that I found them by Ghirardelli on Amazon? As calandargirl pointed out, they only come in 10 pound bags, but they do exist. I would contact them and see if they are available in smaller quantities.
dinner A.April 25, 2016
This won't work if you really want the shape of commercial chocolate chips, but if all you want is small bits of chocolate, you could chop your own from any chunk or bar of bittersweet chocolate that you like. I always do this now for chocolate chip cookies, after getting tired of the generally lower quality and overly sweet chocolate that I could usually find in chip format, and I like the shape and texture of the bits formed by chopping as well.
Garlic F.April 26, 2016
I am a terrible chocolate chopper. (I do have decent knife skills in general.) They end up shaved, which is great when I make babka, but not great to use them as chips. There are certain things I will pay for and apparently one of them is perfectly sized chips :)
SmaugApril 26, 2016
have you tried freezing it and whacking it with a hammer?
Susan W.April 25, 2016
There's no standard as far as those semisweet vs bittersweet goes. For example, one brand's bittersweet is not the same as another brand. In my neighborhood grocery store, I consider their dark chocolate chips to be what I consider bittersweet.
Garlic F.April 25, 2016
Yes. I want the dark or bittersweet mini chips. All I can find are mini semisweet which is too sweet.
Susan W.April 25, 2016
I missed the mini part. I don't think I've seen those even at the stores that have lots of choices. In fact, I think that's why I went from using mini to larger chips.
Susan W.April 25, 2016
I found these on Amazon!
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