What is the best fillet knife for salmon?

Looking for a top-of-the-line fillet knife for salmon as a gift for a foodie. Brand name not important, just want the best.

April Holland


pierino August 25, 2016
This is a Wushtoff but essentially you need a long, thin, flexible blade for fish.
SMSF August 25, 2016
It's important to consider how comfortable the user will be with any particular knife - does the handle feel "right" in his or her hand, is the balance comfortable, etc. Just my 2 cents!
702551 August 25, 2016
This is basic advice, not just for knives, but any sort of manual tool or instrument. Buy from a store that has a reasonable return/exchange policy whether you are buying a tool for yourself or as a gift.
702551 August 25, 2016
For sure, the best fish knives will be Japanese.

Kenji over at Serious Eats calls out for Yanagi.


He calls for an inexpensive knife with a very flexible stainless steel blade for filleting whole fish. It's not unusual to switch knives for specific tasks whether you be a fishmonger or a sushi chef.
Greenstuff August 25, 2016
Those Yanagis that he shows look great for slicing, but the Dexter-Russell that he takes out in the boat for filleting looks like a good knife and an incredible bargain. If that one seems too inexpensive for a gift, I'd just keep in mind that what you want in a fish filleting knife as opposed to a boning knife for poultry is that the blade is longer and more flexible. A great gift.
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