Apples Eat them? Or decorate?

Nothing, IMO, is more versatile than apples. This time of year, I eat them fresh, add them to salads, bake them, roll them up in dough, but the most fun I have is making artwork out of them. Ever since I can remember our dad would use apples (or oranges) and sit at the kitchen table poking whole cloves into the fruit. He'd start these in September and by the time Halloween rolled around, they were dried and SO fragrant. We'd use them at Thanksgiving in a basket with other fruit, at Christmas hang them on the tree. Put them in with the Christmas ornaments and store them for next year. Oh, the fragrance when you'd open the ornament box! I dry them into shriveled heads and make characters out of them. And, the peel doesn't go to waste, I place them in a low simmering pot of water with cinnamon sticks, whole cloves and Star anise for a wonderful potpourri. What do you do with apples?

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BerryBaby October 3, 2016
Who doesn't love anything apple? Here is one of many dishes I make from apples. This one is SO easy, quick and delicious. The recipe is posted on my profile Cranberry Apple Tartlets.
BerryBaby September 29, 2016
I made this chef a number of years ago and he still looks ok.
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