For Hunter's-Style Chicken, do I turn oven on at the end of the recipe or just put it in??

I am reading through this recipe and am confused about the end---first...what size pot should it be going in? Second do I turn the oven ON, and to WHAT TEMPERATURE if I do? Anyone have experience with this? Thanks! Trying to make it tonight!

Katie Lee


drbabs December 31, 2016
I'm sure it was delicious either way.
drbabs December 31, 2016
Yes. After reading the comments, I made sure to drain the tomatoes really well.
Katie L. December 31, 2016
Ah, see I used canned and included some of the sauce that came in with them. That might be partially why.
drbabs December 31, 2016
I don't know if this answer is too late, but I just made this in a large Pyrex dish. I browned the chicken, cooked the vegetables and made the sauce in a stainless steel skillet. Then I put the sauce in the Pyrex dish, placed the chicken on top of it, and covered the whole thing with foil. It bakes for about two hours and it was amazing.
Katie L. December 31, 2016
Did yours turn to a reddish brown as deep as the one in the picture? Also, glad to hear 2 hours is good-I did 1.5 hours and will do more (making as we speak, actually!). Will use Pyrex next time. Thanks so much.
ChefJune December 27, 2016
The first direction in the recipe is to heat the oven to 325 degrees F. Of course you turn the oven on!
Lindsay-Jean H. December 27, 2016
Oven temp is in the first step—325° F, and the recipe author suggests a large heavy-bottomed pot, she used a large enameled Dutch oven.
Katie L. December 27, 2016
How did I miss that!!!! My god...thank you....cannot believe it mentioned the temp and I still didn't see it.
Lindsay-Jean H. December 27, 2016
Happens to all of us! Hope it turns out well for you!
lastnightsdinner December 27, 2016
Also, I generally cook it in a dutch oven.
Katie L. December 27, 2016
And what might be a "Second best" to a dutch oven? I don't have one at my parents' house!
lastnightsdinner December 27, 2016
Hi there - it cooks in the oven for an hour or more, loosely covered with a parchment lid. You want it vented a bit so the sauce can reduce as it cooks. Hope you enjoy!
Katie L. December 27, 2016
Cooks in the oven as in just sits in the pot covered? No temperature on the oven?
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