"Tuna in Olive Oil" Recipes Needed
My husband is a pescetarian, we live overseas, and I'm running out different weeknight meal ideas with frozen shellfish and the few reliably good fresh fish options that are available. I often make a pasta salad with tuna in olive oil, grilled artichoke hearts, olives and roasted tomatoes, but would love some other ideas. Noodle casseroles are out; I can't find noodles here made with free-range chicken eggs. (Note: Husband is well worth all the effort, but I draw the line at making noodles and then putting them in a casserole dish.)
-- which is pasta (whatever you make) with tomato sauce, tuna & green olives. It works best with tuna in oil. Basically tomato simmered with garlic and green olives and pepper flakes, then add the tuna and poach a little longer to soften. DELICIOUS.
I only have a general outline since I don't have the recipe in soft copy. Take a generous 1/2 cup butter (1 stick), saute thinly sliced onions, 2 tsp curry powder, 1/2 tsp red chili flakes, for about 1-2 minutes on med heat. Add flaked tuna and stir until heated through and the tuna breaks up finely, ~3-5 minutes. Add hot cooked pasta and toss to coat the pasta with the sauce. Taste and add more seasoning if needed. I've made this with 1/2 stick of butter (1/4 cup) and it still tastes fantastic.
I love this salad, and a warm version of it works well also:
What I remember is first flavoring (a lot of) olive oil with rosemary, then slow-braising or poaching fresh tuna in it. Remove, serve. Strain the oil for another use or two.
And there are lots more recipes since mid 90s:
Last, here is one from Food and Wine Magazine that uses the same method, but uses fennel, chile, orange for flavoring: