Thank you all for your responses, I will definitely use some of them in future. Because I hadn't had any responses by the time I was going to be serving it, I came up with my own solution, which was grated dark chocolate and desiccated coconut, with a swirl of honey, and cream drizzled over it. It tasted yummy.
FYI, here's an article on how to prevent or fix common (over or under) seasoning mistakes. Their advice in #6 (how to fix too-sour a taste) is to add salt, sweet or savory elements...
Sounds like you're all set to make a lemon rum cake. 3-4 T of good rum. Maybe dissolve a bit of sugar if you think the cake's not sweet enough? We always frost lemon rum cake with whipped cream and toasted almond another opportunity to bring up the sweetness with the whipped cream.