[ food taste puzzle + challenge ] -- please recommend a tasty yet healthy micro-wavable food a person needs 2-2.5k calories a day, this food you rec
be creative!!
[ food taste puzzle + challenge ] -- please recommend a tasty yet healthy micro-wavable food
a person needs 2-2.5k calories a day, this food you recommend should be able to be made 2x a day to consume
so should be ~1-1.5 calories total
there's 2 requirements:
* should use some items that are healthy + low-cost high calories
there's nothing in this world that fits this best but
'whole grain' like oats, whole wheat pasta, brown rice, etc.
* be tasty
things i tried that do not work:
real butter -- i never used butter before so put in a whole stick, went from tasteless to not getting significantly different or better
garlic -- i once tried putting in half of a whole can of garlic powder, went from tasteless to 'heh that kinda burns or something'
salt -- goes from tasteless to 'that's too salty'
cheese -- chedder, its' ok...
anything spicy im allergic to
things i tried that have worked:
pasta sauce -- something about tomato sauce, i dunno whats in it..
ramen noddle -- i dont know why plain white ramen noddles work and is yummy and soft
soy sauce -- a different kind of salt, its ok, i can at least taste it compared to the tasteless above
teriyaki sauce -- soy is better, basically the same as soy sauce, has vinegar is all = soy sauce + vinegar = teriyaki
i put in vegs no matter what
* spinanich, brociolio, green onions, clinatntro, etc.
vegs do not really add anything to taste
yea they taste 'different' but they dont make the whole grain taste any different
method of prep
* blender - blend anything
* mini-microwave
* anything easiest -- easiest
be creative!!
please see https://food52.com/hotline...
it's pretty simple problem, what do you think?