Removing layers of cake AFTER cutting....HELP!
I made a 13" x 9" sheet cake (it was an extra tall pan). I have successfully sliced the cake into thirds and I want to know if there is a trick to remove these layers in order to put the filling between them. Despite the extra tall pan and extra batter-the cake only came out to be a bit more than 3" high at it's tallest center point (the dome doesn't bother me). The 2 slices I made resulted in an average layer thickness of just over 1/2" - (obviously the top layer is thicker in the center). Exactly what I wanted and what the recipe I am trying to replicate looked like it was. The issue is...Unlike the recipe and all the instructional cake slicing videos I have watched-I did NOT use a round pan (needed a larger cake). and as a result of the length and fragility due to the thinness of the layers-Finding it impossible to lift any of the layers I just cut without the imminent danger of breaking it right in half-(to say the least). Any tricks,tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Urgent!!!