How far in advance can curd and cranberry relish be made?

I'm making NYT Cranberry Curd Tart and a cranberry/jalapeno relish to go over softened cream cheese. Can I make the curd (but not bake, just refrigerate the curd). Ideally I'd do it this afternoon, instead of trying to do it after work on Wed :)

Sarah McKnight


Nancy November 18, 2018
PS Homemade cranberry relish can last 10 to 14 days in fridge. Better, imho, in the earlier range (say a week to 10 days). But definitely makeable weekend before Thanksgiving.
Sarah M. November 18, 2018
Thank you!
Hana A. November 18, 2018
Hi Sarah - I've had great success making lemon curd ahead of time. Here are a couple of suggestions: after you've cooled it down, be sure to press plastic wrap directly against the surface of the curd so as not to develop a "skin." You would be fine to make it today for T-Day, but if you want to freeze it, put them in some zip-top bags, flatten out to freeze, and be sure to remove it on Wednesday to give it enough time to thaw before putting it in your final dish.

This is what I'd recommend without knowing the full of your recipe. Hope this helps, good luck!
Sarah M. November 18, 2018
Thank you so much!
Sarah M. November 18, 2018
I work until 5 on Wed and have to drive 2 hrs after that, so I'm trying to get as much done in advance as possible :)
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