I would love to try making this gluten free. Would almond flour work as a sub or do you have other recommendations? I know there are good gf cho...

...colate cakes using almond flour, but dont know if the butter ratio is too high in this one to work without a starch

Bonny Musgrave


Ttrockwood March 2, 2019
This looks like a dense style cake in the first place, i think swapping in almond flour would make it too dense and heavy.
King aurthur and trader joe’s have all purpose gf flour (among many other brands), that would be a better way to keep the integrity of this recipe and make it gf.
Lori T. March 2, 2019
I've not tried it, but I suspect your judgement is correct. The almond flour would not provide enough structure for the cake if you substituted it 1:1. It would also bring more oil to a cake that is fairly well loaded with butter, and that would likely make your finished product very dense and wet. You could certainly experiment with mixtures of almond and coconut flour, but those things could also overwhelm the vanilla. If you want to experiment, that's fine, but I think I'd recommend just using one of the GF baking flour mixes on the market. Baking gluten free can be a little trickier, and it's safer to use one of those than pile up dense, stodgy discs of failed cake experiments.
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