Fastest way to reheat chicken tagine?

Made about 5 quarts of yummy chicken "tagine" (stew) last night for a preschool parents' potluck tonight, and I just realized, oh !#$&, I need to somehow get how and heat it back up before I can bring it over!

What's the fastest way to reheat this, and most importantly, for how long? All of the posts I've found online with "instructions" reheating just say things like, "reheat on stove" or "reheat in slow cooker" without giving a time.




boulangere October 24, 2019
Be sure to bring it (stirring frequently) to a temperature of 165 degrees.
Nancy October 24, 2019
Maybe not the fastest but the steadiest.
Take and/or borrow rice or slow cooker, instant pot, retro chafing dishes, electric fondue pot. Or portable single or double burner with the tagine in regular pots.
Bring to edible heat, then turn to low/warm.
Nancy October 24, 2019
PS divide in several pots - smaller amount are easier to heat. Or reheat in mw, transfer to the other pots for serving at the event.
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