Meyer Lemon Marmalade pulls away from sides of jar
I made a batch of Rachel Saunders' Meyer Lemon Marmalade, it used 4#s of lemons, 7 1/2 cups of sugar, 8 cups water. Cooked to 220 degrees and it met the frozen spoon test. The recipe made 11, 8 oz, jars of marmalade. I water processed 5 jars and then remaining 6. 24 hours later they all seem perfectly gelled in their jars, but 5 of them, when turning the jar on the side, pull away from the side of jar like there is a little bit of liquid in them. Nothing drips on the inside of the lid and the marmalade is gelled in the jar. I'm assuming these jars are ok, but have no idea why they pull away from the sides of the jars? Has anyone had this experience or do you think there is a problem and they need to be reheated? Thanks for the assistance.