Virtual cooking class for a group

Hello! Could anyone recommend a fun instructor led cooking or cocktail class for a corporate group? Would prefer to ship the ingredients to participants if possible. Thanks! I realize it’s slightly off the typical topics and really appreciate the help.

Anna Krayn


gandalf October 10, 2020
Also, if you have a university or community college nearby that has programs to teach culinary arts, such institution might offer online instruction in cooking, with food kits available. For example, here is a link to the University of Tennessee's Culinary Institute, with registration for online cooking instruction and food kits available:

I'm sure that an internet search would reveal other similar opportunities through universities and colleges, especially ones that have programs in hospitality, restaurants, etc.
Nancy October 9, 2020
Not a recommendation but a few search ideas.
Ask at established cooking schools or meal kit services near you. Or maybe even restaurants you like.
The cooking schools will likely have existing programs they have adapted to virtual delivery or can easily do so.
The meal kit companies have staff who developed the kits who might be able to give a class.
The restaurants may have chefs with teaching experience and, in these days of semi closure due to pandemic, will welcome selling the ingredient kits as a type of take out.
Companies near you will also have lower delivery charges than those further away.
Anna K. October 9, 2020
Thank you! Great ideas!
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