What is "condensed" milk in this recipe??

The recipe calls for "condensed" milk.. there is no such named marketed product! Do you mean "sweetened condensed milk", or "evaporated milk"?? Evaporated milk in actuality is condensed milk (unsweetened), but, 'condensed milk' in many recipes is interpreted as meaning sweetened condensed (which is evaporated milk with lots of sugar added - thereby, sweetened condensed milk).
I want to try this, but I don't want to do it twice (or more) in order to figure out what you mean and neglected to say properly. Sooo... what do you mean???

  • Posted by: Ismogem
  • December 1, 2020
Rompope Jello
Recipe question for: Rompope Jello


skincare December 2, 2020
Ismogem December 1, 2020
Nothing against you, but that's not a good enough explanation to me. That does not define what "condensed milk" is in this recipe. I can scald regular milk, and that evaporates some water -- thereby, making condensed milk. Is that what it means??

I want to do this... but not 12 times to eventually figure out 'exactly' what the recipe means. I want the recipe submitter to answer this... and correct/explain their posting for no misunderstanding! Explain it... fix it...
HalfPint December 1, 2020
For this recipe, you'll want sweetened milk since there's no additional sugar list.
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