is it possible to make pizza in a low heat oven?
my oven is so low in heat and slow at cooking and whenever I make pizza even if the dough is successful when put in oven it turns so crunchy and thin .I want to know if there are any tips to make a very good restaurants like pizza using my oven ? I have all the ingredients and my kids wants to eat it si badly but I don't want to disappoint them
Does your oven have a broiler? I broil my pizzas for a few minutes to get some nice char on the crust.
Also, do you have a pizza stone or even a cast iron pan? Letting a stone heat up for 30-60 minutes at your ovens highest possible temperature will help a lot to crisp the bottom of the crust while keeping the insides soft and chewy.
Finally, what dough recipe are you using? Check out the King Arthur pan pizza dough recipe that’s been quite popular on the internet in the past year. You might be able to get results without having an oven that gets up to 500.
Here are some how-to links:
Until the oven is fixed or replaced, you'll probably need to change the equation somehow.
• Either, source the pizza from a take-out or delivery place (perhaps for a special occasion).
• Or, make something your oven can handle using similar ingredients (like calzone). And involve the children in the prep and cooking.
Good luck with this!