thinking about making something w/ leftover pizza dough to go with dinner. Thinking a garlic Parmesan flat bread. Thoughts?
sarah K.April 13, 2011
I realize it's too late for this to be useful to you, but maybe someone else will like the suggestion... I used to make pizza once a week and the dough recipe made enough for leftovers, so I would either do the focaccia like the others have already suggested, rolled flat, brushed with plenty of olive oil, and sprinkled with sea salt, pepper, and lots of rosemary, or I would do one extra step and make lovely breadsticks. If you flop the dough out into a rough rectangle, you can slice it with a pizza cutter and transfer the ropes immediately to a well oiled baking sheet. I made a tutorial for it here:
Helen's A.April 13, 2011
I agree w/ Panfusine and would suggest a foccaccia. My favorite is topped with caramelized onions cooked in a generous amount of olive oil and lots of fresh rosemary.
PanfusineApril 12, 2011
a foccaccia perhaps, with a a basting oil of garlic, rosemary, cracked pepper & EVOO?,
inpatskitchenApril 12, 2011
Chuck Muer Restaurants makes a great bread with a pizza like dough..the secret is to process 1/2 cup olive oil, a tablespoon of Italian seasoning, a little salt and a clove (or 2) of garlic in a mini processor. After the first rise brush this on the loaf.. let rise again and bake,,delicious!
Sam1148April 12, 2011
You could roll it very flat. Dock it with a fork and put on a an inverted sheet pan and cut to crackers squares. Season with the cheese and some salt and oil.
It stores well in airtight containers and can be used for dips etc.
It stores well in airtight containers and can be used for dips etc.
Madame S.April 12, 2011
I didn't have enough rom to fully explain what I was looking for. We are having a pasta dish and I was thinking in termsof a garlic bread or something...
CookOnTheFlyApril 12, 2011
Depends on what you are making for dinner. You could make calzones if you aren't sick of pizza yet. You could use the dough as a topping for chicken pot pie instead of pie crust. Flatbread is perfectly benign option that can go with many things: salad, chicken. On that line of thinking, you could make flatbread and make them small like tortillas and use them for fajitas or tacos. Have fun!
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