What are these pink-white egg sack/bug p***/I don't know what on my Brussels Sprouts?
I was going through my *pre-washed* brussels sprouts from Whole Foods and I found first one, and then another, sprout with one of these pinkish-whitish little thingies on it. I don't think they themselves are bugs, but more likely some sort of product of them such as an egg sack or excrement, but I don't really know.
It might be part of a cabbage webworm, but the whole thing looks very different. The closest thing I could find was the first instar of a cabbage looper. Even that doesn't really look like this thing. For one thing, this thing is way to asymetrical to be a complete macro-organism - that makes me thing it's a piece of something, or some sort of excrement. It also occured to me that these could be two totally different things - the second one could even be a close-up of a rough patch of the brussels leaf - and I just got paranoid after the first one.
Unfortunately the reality is that if it weren't for prewashed produce I and my family wouldn't eat a third as much produce as we do. It's just a huge time saver and worth the downsides.
I was smarter for the second one and took my gloves off. This time it was hard, and wouldn't come off. I tried to dig it off with my fingernail, but in the end the exact area of the brussel leaf it was on came with it. That's all I could figure out.
Don't think I'm going to be making Brussels Sprouts tonight unless someone has an explanation for why this stuff is all just a misunderstanding ...