How long can this rest before baking?

I’d like to have this for dinner tomorrow. (Yay, breakfast for dinner!) Will it hurt to assemble it 24h before baking?

Heidi S
  • Posted by: Heidi S
  • April 18, 2022


AntoniaJames April 18, 2022
Yes, in fact you should. It will make the dish even better. I see in the headnotes that the recipe contributor recommends doing that.

Make sure you cover it very tightly, immediately, to prevent it from drying out, before putting it in the fridge. ;o)
AntoniaJames April 18, 2022
P.S. 24 hours vs. overnight - that's okay. I've kept casseroles like this in the fridge for a couple of days. The longer the time in the fridge, the more important that you cover the dish very tightly. ;o)
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