If making ahead - to meringue or not meringue?

First of all - I ALSO keep hot sauce in my purse, Erin McDowell. #soulsisters

Considering this recipe for Thanksgiving. If I make this a day or two ahead, should I hold off on making the meringue until day of? Or will it hold up?

  • Posted by: Leila
  • October 12, 2022
  • 1 Comment
Toasty Cinnamon Meringue Cake
Recipe question for: Toasty Cinnamon Meringue Cake

1 Comment

hoosier99 October 13, 2022
Wait. Make the cake & filling early. Swiss meringue is a bit tougher & will hold for a day, but will start to break down & weep.
They are very quick to make, so there is very little benefit to making early. This can be done early in the day, or essentially any time after you get the big projects working. It should make for a relaxing, fun "break".
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