Substitute for bitters? Having a hard time justifying buying a whole bottle when we're not big cocktail drinkers.

  • Posted by: plotto
  • November 23, 2022
Brown Butter Apple Pie Cookies
Recipe question for: Brown Butter Apple Pie Cookies


KLS November 24, 2022
Just a small ad in: I put a couple dashes of bitters into my club soda, adds a new dimension
Nancy November 23, 2022
Plotto -
you have answers and suggestions for thanksgiving.
But/and for future holidays, keep in mind that bitters can be used to make very refreshing non alcoholic drinks.
So maybe worth buying for both the event and home use.
Melina H. November 23, 2022
I like Emily Z's suggestions in using the Amaro. The others would take the flavors into a direction I don't feel confident about. However: if you have brandy, whisky, or bourbon (or even an orange liqueur such as Cointreau or Dry Curaçao), a tablespoon of any of them would work great. The other alternative is to omit - they'll still be delicious!
Emily Z. November 23, 2022
Totally heard! Three substitutes here are campari, absinthe, and any amaro you may have laying around. If you don't have any of those, omitting is totally fine.
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