Green bean chili questions needs answers to asap

Do you drain the beans or use the liquid. Is the garlic used whole or crushed/ minced..onion chopped….missing important pieces and need to cook:)

Pat McKinley
  • 1 Comment

1 Comment

Lori T. November 7, 2023
Relax, it's a chili recipe. In the great scheme of things, it just doesn't matter how you reduce the garlic to bits. If you want a lot of garlic flavor, mush it good. If you don't, then mince it. I would not leave it whole, because that's a bit too much garlic for some unlucky diner to bite into and it would be a challenge to track down in the finished dish to remove. Chop the onion or carefully dice it, the point is to have bits of onion that fit on a spoon. You can drain the beans or not, as you wish. If you add in the liquid from the can, your chili will just have a bit extra liquid to finish. I would probably drain it off, but nobody is going to show up at your door to take away your cooking license or stove if you don't. If it's a bit too liquid for your taste, leave it to cook down a bit longer so the extra evaporates off. So yeah, it doesn't dictate every single step. But honestly, you can do the chopping and dicing to suit yourself and nobody will complain. If they do, take away their bowl and let them cook next time.
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