Can this be made for people with Dietary Restrictions?

Could this be made dairy free and gluten free?

Louisa's Cake With Peaches
Recipe question for: Louisa's Cake With Peaches


louisez June 24, 2024
If you want this to be vegan, though non-dairy butter and ricotta are available, you'll also need an egg equivalent. Aquafaba (liquid from a can of garbanzo or channeling beans) is a decent option. 1 egg = 1/4 c. aquafaba. I haven't made this cake with these substitutions, but might be worth a try if you're not risk averse.
louisez June 24, 2024
That should be cannelini, not channeling
Emmie June 13, 2024
That would be challenging. You could maybe sub butter for vegan butter, and AP flour for GF flour, but ricotta is challenging. Potentially could use tofu, but at that point the modifications are piling up and I think a disaster could result.
MMH June 14, 2024
Kitehill makes a nondairy ricotta but I do not have experience baking with it.
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