Easiest way to pit cherries

Every year I dehydrate and/or freeze a lot of cherrie ( several hundred pounds) . And I pit everyone one of them with my little cherry pitter. I am creative in the places I do it, because it takes a long time. Outside, inside, watching TV, listening to music, pitting parties. This is the first year I have known about foodpickle. Do you know of an easy way to pit cherries? Or is it one of those meditative things one must surrender to?

Thanks in advance

  • Posted by: SKK
  • July 10, 2011


Sunkissed June 14, 2012
I just pitted 4 lbs of cherries in 15 minutes using a metal wilton cake decorating tip. I used a star tip and it pushed only the pit out with no juicy after mess. Hands aren't stained either BONUS!!! Yay!! . I couldn't believe how easy it was. Just stick your thumb in the wide opening of the tip then insert the star end, give a little push. Wha-la! Cost for tip $1.79
SKK June 14, 2012
Great idea!
SKK July 10, 2011
Thanks thirdchild - am reading the reviews for this and droplet's recommendation!
thirdchild July 10, 2011
Two days ago I bought a "Cherry-It Pitter" by Progressive. It neatly pits four cherries at a time and conserves the pits and stray juices in a cute little underneath compartment. We like it very much, and it quickly pitted two good-sized bags of fresh cherries for our dehydrator. The whole gizmo is like a rectangular box, so you don't end up wiping juice from the counter, your face, and the floor.
mrslarkin July 10, 2011
I heard a paper clip works too. Insert and yank out pit.
ourlastsupper July 10, 2011
I use a funnel. Put the funnel in a bowl, spout side up, and push the cherry against the funnel and the pit will fall through into the bowl.
Peter July 10, 2011
Droplet, that machine looks amazing! If Food52 ever gets a kitchen gadget shop together, it will have to be the first item we stock!
SKK July 10, 2011
@droplet, thank you! You are the answer to my prayers.
Droplet July 10, 2011
There is also a small mechanically operated machine made by Leifheit that would make it go faster because it allows you to load a slightly larger amount in it and has a pit collector on the bottom. I don't have it but have been wanting to get one.
ChefJune June 14, 2012
WOW, Droplet! I was just about to say something about the cherry pitter being the best way I knew, then you posted that!!! Do you have a CLUE how you have saved my summer?

I imagine that would work for pitting olives as well!

Voted the Best Reply!

pierino July 10, 2011
Like peeling fava beans, stoning cherries is just plain old grunt work.
Author Comment
I'm not sure how fast and efficient an actual cherry pitter is because my cherry pitter is a straw haha but I find halving cherries and then pulling the pits our to be just as simple, yet both methods are time consuming. Sorry, but I'm not sure there's a work around with cherry pitting. Time to grab a glass of wine, a favorite movie and get pitting! Good luck!
ibbeachnana July 10, 2011
The cherry pitters are the way to go unless you want to do it the old fashioned way with a bent bobbie pin. Other than that, cut the cherries in half and pop the pit out, only if you don't need whole cherries. My granddaughter is here and I never have the need to pit them as she gobbles them up before I have time to find a recipe, probably a good thing since I don't have time when the little ones are here.
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