A question about a recipe: The River Café's Strawberry Sorbet

Could you please expand upon the instruction regarding the lemon and sugar, "pulse until combined." Just how chunky should the rind end up being? I made this and just turned on the food processor for a minute or two, so it ended up with a consistency like tapioca. The resulting sorbet was wonderful, but am I missing something by not having more chunks in it? Thanks for an easy, terrific recipe! I have never tried making sorbet before.

  • Posted by: gustus
  • July 18, 2011
  • 1 Comment

1 Comment

Kristen M. July 18, 2011
That sounds like how ours turned out too, with small shreds of lemon throughout. Tapioca-sized is a great way to describe it -- and the textural appeal is similar. Glad it worked out well for you!
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