Canning Peaches - Spewing Juices
For the first time, I canned a large amount of very ripe peaches. I pealed and sliced the peaches; dry packed them into glass quart jars; covered with white grape juice; tried to get all the bubbles out; and left about 1/3 to 1/2 inch of headroom in the jars. I processed the jars in a boiling water bath for about 45 minutes. When I took them out of the water bath, juices spewed out from under the lid, no matter how gently I handled them. It made a huge mess and now I don't trust the seal given it's covered in a sugary mess. And there are peaches floating in the jars not covered with juice! What happened???
Unfortunately your peaches are spoiled. If there is spurting liquid or leakage they cannot be used. For whatever reason it sounds like the gases inside the jars caused the lids to swell and break the seals.
It sounds to me like you followed protocol but just in case I will list here cause and prevention suggestions:
1. Food Packed too Tightly - try a hot pack method
2. Screw bands applied too loosely
3. Pressure canner not operated correctly
Peaches naturally trap a lot of air in their structure. Hot packing heats the fruit to exhaust some of this air prior to packing. This could may have been a problem.
Also, if you want to preserve Peaches, Nectarines or Apricots in water or juice rather than syrup you need to use the hot pack method. Here is how you do it:
In a saucepan combine fruit with just enough water to stop it from sticking. Bring peaches to a boil and then reduce heat and boil gently until hot through the fruit.
In a separate saucepan heat the fruit juice or water until it boils. Pack hot fruit into hot jars and leave at least 1/2 inch on the top of the jar. Ladle the hot juice over the fruit and heat process as normal.
I hope this helped.
The Spice Girl.
It's fairly normal when canning fruit. If the jar is still sealed, you're ok. Test of seal: take off the ring and pick up the jar by just the lid. If you can lift the jar, you're safe.
Marisa at FoodInJars has a few good posts on the subject. Siphoning is mentioned in her glossary of terms:
And in her post on whole fruit canning: