Diver scallops.
Recently I've dined in some middle tier restaurants that list "diver scallops" on their menu. To me that means that they should be fresh, preferably shucked in the kitchen. I've tried to corner some restaurant staff on this and one answer (which I expected) is that they come in "fresh frozen." My answer back has been, "if these were really diver scallops you'd be charging a lot more for them." Am I right on this??
Today I had a pizza which supposedly included "wild mushrooms". Except that they were just plain brown mushrooms cleverly flavored with truffle oil. It did taste good but I remain a believer in honesty in labeling your plates.
In international waters, scallops have no season. Otherwise, the season for diver scallops runs from November to April. If you were served true diver scallops, they would have had to have been frozen if they were served to you in June.