what is that lacey-sheet of fat called, which people wrap around lean meats before searing? Where can you buy it in NYC?

  • Posted by: jondotli
  • September 13, 2011


pierino September 14, 2011
One thing about caul fat is that it's very perishable, so don't buy a lot at once. If I remember correctly it's taken from the area around the pig's kidneys.
innoabrd September 14, 2011
Caul is also great for making various meatball-like creations, such as faggots (http://butchershook.net/2010/02/08/traditional-homemade-faggot-recipe/). There's a non-pork version found in Egypt as well, though can't recall the name off the top of my head.
amysarah September 13, 2011
Not sure where you are in NYC, but Ottomanelli's on Bleecker St. is good about ordering things, even if they don't always carry it. Also on Bleecker, you might try Faicco's - they make lots of sausage, so maybe they'd have it.
jondotli September 13, 2011
Perfect. Thanks, Merrill.
Merrill S. September 13, 2011
I think you're talking about caul fat. Not sure where you can get it in New York, but you might want to try Jeffrey's in the Essex Street Market.
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