What do you think about perforated pie tins? I used mine once and the crust of the pumpkin pie was great, but butter crust dripped in oven

Robin O'D


luvcookbooks November 1, 2011
luv my perforated pie tin but may be unduly influenced by its vintagey look. Use a cookie sheet to catch the drips.
Ophelia October 31, 2011
I prefer glass.
I agree with Savorykitchen about the cookie sheet, but line it with foil so that the butter bits don't burn on, their not terribly fun to scrub off.
Savorykitchen October 31, 2011
I have one that I really like for custard pies (like pumpkin or chess pie) and for blindbaking for cream pies - I put a cookie sheet on the rack below to catch any errant drips.
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