What are some good vegan breakfast recipes???

a Whole Foods Market Customer


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I have a vegan stovetop granola that I like to make that has been a big hit with eveyone at home. It's 1 Tbsp. olive oil
2 cups rolled oats
1/3 cup margarine ( Earth Balance)
2 Tbsp. agave nectar
1/3 cup brown sugar
½ cup chopped almonds
1/3 cup dried cranberries
1. Heat the oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add oats then cook and stir until starting to brown and crisp, about 5 minutes. Remove from heat and spread out on a cookie sheet to cool.
2. Melt the margarine in the same pan over medium heat. Stir in the agave and brown sugar; cook, stirring constantly, until bubbly. Return the oats to the pan. Cook and stir for another 5 minutes or so. Pour out onto the cookie sheet and spread to cool.
3. Once cool, transfer to an airtight container and stir in the almonds and dried cranberries. Any additional nuts and fruit can be stirred in at this time also.
susan G. November 2, 2011
Hot cereal -- there are some amazing and impressive recipes on this site -- like steel cut oats with miso, polenta with almond meal and blueberries. Use the recipe search, add vegan to your search terms.
Sam1148 November 2, 2011
Fruit, Miso soup (with veggie broth), Rice. Green tea;
Fruit smoothie, rice cake or granola bar;
V8 Juice, soy sauce, black pepper, vodka, cucumber garnish dipped in salt.
Sam1148 November 2, 2011
Fruit, Miso soup (with veggie broth), Rice. Green tea;
Fruit smoothie, rice cake or granola bar;
V8 Juice, soy sauce, black pepper, vodka, cucumber garnish dipped in salt.
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