Where can I purchase dried Great Northern beans? Tried Sahadi's with no luck. I realize I can sub in cannellini or navy beans, but I'd like to follow the recipe as is before I start making it my own.

  • Posted by: Bemie
  • November 5, 2010


Bemie November 6, 2010
Thanks, everyone. I appreciate all of the suggestions. Now I've got lots of great online bean resources (zursunbeans.com and homegrownharvest.com) that I can use when I do a little advance planning.

After fruitless searches at a couple of local grocery stores, dry goods stores and natural food stores, I ended up finding one solitary bag left at my local Gristede's. Melissa Clark's Herbed White Bean and Sausage Stew (http://tinyurl.com/22u9zf9) may account for the run on Great Northern beans in Brooklyn!

Thanks again!
vvvanessa November 6, 2010
try also fairway, zabar's, and even the key foods right near sahadi's might have them. and i think the park slope food coop has them, though you'd have to be a member to get them (or have a member-friend willing to pick them up for you).
Allison B. November 5, 2010
Hi Bemie, I work as an artisanal food consultant for Zursun Idaho Heirloom Beans. They have an amazing selection of heirloom beans and lentils and fresh pantry beans like Great Northern. Visit to their website at: zursunbeans.com
They would be ideal products for Food52 shop!
Mr_Vittles November 5, 2010
I have found them in bulk at Winco.
Kayb November 5, 2010
I've yet to see a Kroger or a Wal-Mart (if you can stand to walk into the latter) that didn't carry them.
mrslarkin November 5, 2010
Is there an A&P near you?? Goya brand usually has dried Great Northern beans there. Probably Whole Foods, too. Check the dried bean aisle in any supermarket.

Cannellini are pretty close. I like small white beans, or Navy beans, too. They're cuter.
TiggyBee November 5, 2010
Try homegrownharvest.com - I'm pretty certain they would have them.
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