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Loretta V.
November 24, 2019
Delicious with a couple of changes. I used about 1/4 of the cinnamon and still tasted it. I substituted roasted pistachios for the almonds and also roasted red onions with the cauliflower. It was a big hit.
Janet B.
April 30, 2014
Wow! The great roasted cauliflower. Cauliflower is full of nutrients and hence I like to make a dish with it. A pinch of almond and spices give a delicious smell the food.
April 25, 2014
Couldn't agree more on the cauliflower cheese. If you are going to eat cheese, then "in for a penny, in for a pound; might as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb" is my philosophy. And I make a damned good mac and cheese if I say so myself. (Though I don't have to say so, as many have so informed me.)
All that said, cauliflower is actually one of the few vegetables my 11 year old LIKES. Preferably just steamed, with butter. But this looks as if the spices are merely enough to elevate the cauliflower in the best possible way. Definitely will try. With cashews, as suggested below.
All that said, cauliflower is actually one of the few vegetables my 11 year old LIKES. Preferably just steamed, with butter. But this looks as if the spices are merely enough to elevate the cauliflower in the best possible way. Definitely will try. With cashews, as suggested below.
April 25, 2014
My son (9 years old) love raw cauliflower. I cut off the florets, I even cut up the root part (very small), put some oil in my wok, add some garlic, a little soy sauce and fry it. It come out great.
April 24, 2014
I make a similar roasted cauliflower minus the cinnamon and with a dusting of smoked paprika, and the addition of an onion cut in eighths that gets deliciously caramelized and sweet during the roasting process. The sweet onion served as the gateway substance to get my son to eat cauliflower.
Nicholas D.
April 25, 2014
Totally with you on sweet, burnt onion as a gateway drug. And yeah: I basically had to sit on my hands to not add smoked paprika to this. (Only because I add it to everything else.)
Gail F.
April 24, 2014
I love cauliflower as a crudite. It's great with hummus, guacamole, and other dips.
April 24, 2014
I make something similar to this on a regular basis, minus the cinnamon and usually involving cashews, or else walnuts. And/or toasted sunflower seeds. And a splash of great wine vinegar. I could live on this. Seriously. ;o)
April 24, 2014
This sounds delicious! As for white veggies, what about parsnips? Maybe they are in the 'off-white' category.
Nozlee S.
April 24, 2014
Kenzi tipped me off to this recipe and I made a quadruple batch (adding some carrots) for a massive 20-person dinner party -- it was all gobbled up (and matched my furniture, to boot: http://instagram.com/p/nBE5Dlr93t/)!
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