On our new weekly podcast, two friends separated by the Atlantic take questions and compare notes on everything from charcuterie trends to scone etiquette.
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M S.
March 22, 2017
Part 2 (continued). Actually, there are two question in the air about what is being eaten in Italy. First, who have the Italians adjusted to the food and diet information out there. Do they maintain the aperitif, pasta or soup, entree, salad, fruit stages of the meal, Are they eating less regular meals and when they do eat regular meals pasta, less meat, smaller portions etc-. particularly pasta. And, what about modern "hi-tech" meals like Noma, Robuchon, etc. Gabrielle Hamilton just did a whole chefs series. She focused heavily on the new cooking in several of the series, interviewing modernist chefs and questioning traditional or new modernist ways as she prepared the meal her mother-in-law made so beautifully.
M S.
March 22, 2017
Now you have impaired my day by bringing up mozzarella in carrozza. Way back in the 70's, almost 50 years, Trattoria of Restaurant Associates in the Pan Am buidling served magnificent mozzarella in carrozza in an anchovy sauce. To me, one of the great dishes in nyc at that time. At one point I got the recipes from Restaurant Associates which has now divided into two companies. Digging it out today. Where is it again? Dinner tomorrow. All that because of KP.
Fresh T.
March 16, 2017
Love! Thanks Katie! I yearn to travel to Rome and more someday (soon! I hope.)
Paige C.
October 17, 2016
great insights! anyway check this Rome travel guide out! might be useful http://rometravelguidev2.3.pagedemo.co/
April 11, 2016
Les Vignerons ( via Mameli 61/62) is really amazing: it is the only natural wine and beer shop in Rome with a great variety of products from little producers!
Another place to visit is the just opened Caffe' Roscioli, near Campo de' Fiori ( Piazza Benedetto Cairoli 16), the best coffee bar in Rome. He serves a great variety of Specialty coffees with tasteful pastries. There is also a room for tastings and cocktails.
Another place to visit is the just opened Caffe' Roscioli, near Campo de' Fiori ( Piazza Benedetto Cairoli 16), the best coffee bar in Rome. He serves a great variety of Specialty coffees with tasteful pastries. There is also a room for tastings and cocktails.
April 12, 2016
Caffe Roscioli is the best by far for coffee in Rome. It's such a fantastic addition to the center's grim coffee offerings.
April 8, 2016
I just got back from Rome, Florence and the Amalfi Coast and it was spectacular. You must try the suppli, it is a rice ball filled with rice, sauce, cheese and a little ground beef. We went to this tiny place in trastevere called Suppli pizzeria - via S. Francesco a Ripa 137 is the address. There are only 2 small tables that you can stand at in the place, so most people get food to go, Great suppli, pizza, and pastas and reasonably priced. We also ate at da Sabatino a S. Ignazio best lasagna and carbonara. If anyone is going to the Amalfi coast and needs a tour guide/driver we used Luigi De Martino, he was wonderful. you can read about him on trip advisor. His website is www.abeautifuldaytour.com and his phone is 0039 3332218812. He made our trip so memorable with the places he took us, he is a local who knows everything and everyone.
Diana P.
April 5, 2016
Perfect timing for my trip to Rome next month, grazie! Love the sound of those fried artichokes.
April 5, 2016
I'm going to Rome (and Puglia) in May! This couldn't come at a better time--Thanks Katie! (Side note: think it would be ok to wear Gizeh Birkenstocks around as a tourist? Also, what would you recommend bringing back to the US?Any specific olive oil or snacks or anything?)
Sophia R.
April 6, 2016
I lived in Rome for a few years and when I now go back, the things I tend to buy are nuts (almonds, pistachios and pine nuts - cheaper and better quality than elsewhere), whole candied fruits like oranges and cedro (you can buy these by weight at places like Castroni for example - much more aromatic if bought in whole pieces than those tiny tubs of pre-chopped ones most supermarkets sell), alcohol you cannot easily get elsewhere like alkermes, hard to find pasta shapes, polenta di tarragna (a buckwheat polenta from Northern Italy that is incredibly flavourful) and things like nice honeys and jams. I would skip the olive oil as that is fairly easy to find elsewhere (even if more expensive abroad).
April 6, 2016
Grappa, Nocino and/or Limoncello (makers you can't find here); really good balsamic vinegar; dried porcini - better and cheaper than here, plus as very lightweight to pack, nice for gifts.
April 6, 2016
Yum, yum, yum. I'm going to bring an extra bag for all of these things!! (buckwheat polenta?! whole candied fruits?! alkermes?! YUM!) So excited--thanks for the tips Sophia R!
April 12, 2016
Feel free to rock your Berks but having a nice pedi never hurts! I always bring back chunks of Pecorino Romano and Parmigiano Reggiano in 150g pieces back to the States with me. I go to La Tradizione or Roscioli and have them vacuum seal the packages, which make wonderful gifts. I also buy Pastificio dei Campi brand pasta, anchovies, vermouth (check Jerry Thomas Emporium), wine (Bulzoni, Les Vignerons, and La Barrique are great for finding affordable natural and traditional wines). For nuts, you should check out Emporio del Gusto in Testaccio, which carries much higher quality products than its competitors. Enjoy!
March 15, 2017
I kind of disagree with bringing foods back from Italy. Its very heavy to lug back to the US. And I was amazed what you can get through Amazon or Market Hall Foods on line. I did, however bring back some pesto in a jar, some honey, and truffle butter, and some Le Trofie, a specialty past often served with pesto. Bring back photos, bring back memories. Although I am a HUGE foodie and cook constantly, my favorite bring backs were beautiful scarves, a purse from the market in Florence, some Venetian glass, a mosaic in Ravenna, earrings in Rome. Food you really can get here, and in a meal it will be gone. Yes, as new to traveling overseas, we ended up buying an entire suitcase to bring our souvenirs home.
April 16, 2017
this is obviously late, but i would recommend buying olive oil. i was never a fan of it, but we stayed in a small village for a week (in addition to visiting rome & florence), and had some of the best evoo! so many families made their own. so if you find a small, family run shop, taste the olive oil and buy what you love
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