
Waste No Heavy Cream! Use the Last Few Tablespoons Like This

June 27, 2016

The next week will likely bring a baking spree—biscuits for eating along fried chicken (or for lazy long-weekend mornings), pies and cobblers and pandowdies galore, strawberry shortcakes topped with vast cloudy dollops of whipped cream.

There always, always seems to be a splash or more of cream that loiters in the bottom of the carton, no matter how careful you measure, how large or small a carton of cream you purchased. Don't let it go to waste! Here are a few ways to use whatever cream you've got leftover:

  • Brush the tops of biscuits, scones, or pie with a cream wash instead of butter or egg wash.
  • Turn it all into whipped cream! It will keep fairly well in the refrigerator (here's a tip for making it in advance), and you can spoon it into your coffee all week.
  • Throw all fancy dessert recipes to the wind and go simple: berries doused generously with heavy cream.
  • Cream some of your greens! It's a good way to make that bushel of CSA kale disappear.
  • Lend richness to scrambled eggs or a frittata or coddled eggs.
  • Pour over granita (especially if it's coffee granita!).
  • Or transform it into crème fraîche.
  • Infuse the cream with mint and cook fresh peas in it.
  • Or drizzle it over a bowl of hot pasta and toss in peas or other veg.
  • Make a quick ganache. Then use that to make frosting, or to dunk cookies (or pretzels). Or to swirl it into ice cream.

What do you do with leftover cream? Give us some good ideas in the comments below.

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Writing and cooking in Brooklyn.


HalfPint June 28, 2016
From Nigella Lawson's first (& best) cookbook, How to Eat, mix cream with an agg yolk and some lemon zest. Toss with some hot long pasta and Parmesan cheese. Pure bliss!
HalfPint June 28, 2016
HalfPint June 28, 2016
the addition of cream makes for soft luscious and utterly indulgent scrambled eggs.