Join The Sandwich Universe co-hosts (and longtime BFFs) Molly Baz and Declan Bond as they dive deep into beloved, iconic sandwiches.
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December 23, 2013
I used to sneer at dried parsley for having no flavor, but while I was pregnant I had an epiphany: that makes it that much easier to eat your greens! I now buy it in bulk and add it by the tablespoonful or more to soups and sauces. A little simmering and it practically disappears. At the moment my toddler is perfectly content to eat her greens (knock on wood...) but if the situation changes I'll have this tactic up my sleeve.
February 23, 2013
you make me feel better! my 4 year old will only help when we use "power-tools" (aka the mixer) or when a recipe calls for brown sugar. he'll eat spinach sometimes. maybe. if there's brown sugar on it.
January 31, 2013
My kids are not big eaters of greens, but they do consume sundry greens in pestos (a topic you've written about before). The best vehicle for the pesto: homemade pasta. If you have a hand crank machine, the task of rolling out the dough can be a huge treat for the 4 to 10 year old crowd. I feel like Tom Sawyer with a bucket of whitewash every time I make some pasta dough.
January 31, 2013
Appreciate the honesty. What is it that makes kids dislike greens? I ate them as a child and don't recall ever disliking them. That said, I ate chicken livers and caviar too. Is it socially learned from friends? Does it have to do with development of taste?
January 31, 2013
This made me laugh. My three year old now says, "What are those green things?" no matter how well we chop greens and insists that we pull out any green thing before he will eat a bit.
Kitchen B.
January 31, 2013
It used to be that my kids would cook with me and not eat.....all that's changing. Now I cook without them, and they gobbled it up! Recently, I made a creamy cauliflower bake. My daughter who had never eaten cauliflower (to my knowledge) gobbled up almost the entire bowl and requested more.
I'll have to get my gratin groove on.
I'll have to get my gratin groove on.
January 31, 2013
While these do look great, the part about Alice Waters and dumpster diving made me spit my coffee all over me. Worth it!
January 31, 2013
I've ranted about this elsewhere, but I cook a lot with my daughter and she will not eat many dishes she is happy to help cook. See also, food she helps to grow in the garden. As always, your child may vary.
May 17, 2013
my 3 year old only eats veggies in the garden - bring them inside and forget it.
January 31, 2013
Good luck to you! When we were kids, my brothers and I pronounced "au gratin" as "all rotten."
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