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March 10, 2015
I have not seen a recipe on this site spark such controversy on various aspects..american chocolate vs. british chocolate, religion and golden syrup. Who knew! :-)
Gwynneth L.
January 12, 2015
Why do you have to bring religion into everything? I'm Agnostic so I'm not interested.
Gwynneth L.
January 12, 2015
I love Cadbury crème eggs, ....but..if they are using American style chocolate, no thanks...... americans can't make proper chocolate, it tastes like bitter cocoa.
January 12, 2015
You are eating the wrong chocolate. Someone already made your comment below. And here's what I replied to them:
Cadbury Chocolate is fairly bland, like most commercial milk chocolate. There's hardly any cacao in it - it's mostly sugar and milk. And I don't know what you mean by the blanket statement "American chocolate;" we have hundreds if not thousands of chocolate makers in this country, not to mention amazing imports from Latin America. There is more chocolate variety available in the U.S. than probably anywhere in the planet.
Unless you're claiming that all "American chocolate" is like Hershey's, which no one cooks with unless you count S'mores. Or like the outside of cheap candy bar, which, again, no one cooks with.
Cadbury Chocolate is fairly bland, like most commercial milk chocolate. There's hardly any cacao in it - it's mostly sugar and milk. And I don't know what you mean by the blanket statement "American chocolate;" we have hundreds if not thousands of chocolate makers in this country, not to mention amazing imports from Latin America. There is more chocolate variety available in the U.S. than probably anywhere in the planet.
Unless you're claiming that all "American chocolate" is like Hershey's, which no one cooks with unless you count S'mores. Or like the outside of cheap candy bar, which, again, no one cooks with.
April 2, 2014
It may taste like a Cadbury egg, but is it halal? Seems Cadbury and company want to appease Muslims and so they are making Easter candy for a religion that does not even celebrate Easter. So if you really want this to be like a Cadbury egg, bow down to the prophet.
Andrea G.
April 5, 2014
You know something being halal doesn't change actually change it in any way, right? They're not injecting it with terrorist jizz or anything. Being halal doesn't affect the chemical composition of a thing any more than being kosher does, it's just a way of preparing meat and animal tissue. It also only makes sense for them to want to make their product appeal to as many groups of people as possible, they're a candy company, their aim is to sell candy, not promote your religion. The only reason they even sell Easter candy is because Easter is a huge consumer holiday (third under Christmas and Halloween) and they want in on the action. Did you honestly think they were selling festive junk food as an expression of their deep and true love of Jesus Christ?
April 14, 2014
Not only am I a Halal foodie, but I LOVE Cadbury Creme Eggs to bits, just like many normal candy-loving kids and adults everywhere at this time of the year. I mean, we all need to eat right, regardless of religion. And food isn't made to feed religion - it's made to feed hearts, minds and souls all around the world, Muslims and Christians and Jews and Buddhists and atheists alike. If there's one thing we can all share and bond on, it's the fact that at a basic-level, as humans, we all appreciate good food and having different beliefs does not change that. Thank you to those who could focus on what we all do share :)
Anyways, thanks for the recipe Ashley! Though I wish I knew where to get orange blossom water and Lyle's golden syrup from :/
Anyways, thanks for the recipe Ashley! Though I wish I knew where to get orange blossom water and Lyle's golden syrup from :/
January 30, 2014
They wont taste anything like Cadbury cream eggs though..
The ingredients are completely different to the proper ones and the Cadburys chocolate is what makes them taste so good!:)You can't substitute the chocolate either.. American chocolate is terrible! :(
The ingredients are completely different to the proper ones and the Cadburys chocolate is what makes them taste so good!:)You can't substitute the chocolate either.. American chocolate is terrible! :(
January 30, 2014
Cadbury Chocolate is fairly bland, like most commercial milk chocolate. There's hardly any cacao in it - it's mostly sugar and milk. And I don't know what you mean by the blanket statement "American chocolate;" we have hundreds if not thousands of chocolate makers in this country, not to mention amazing imports from Latin America. There is more chocolate variety available in the U.S. than probably anywhere in the planet.
Unless you're claiming that all "American chocolate" is like Hershey's, which no one cooks with unless you count S'mores. Or like the outside of cheap candy bar, which, again, no one cooks with.
Unless you're claiming that all "American chocolate" is like Hershey's, which no one cooks with unless you count S'mores. Or like the outside of cheap candy bar, which, again, no one cooks with.
George A.
December 24, 2014
Ummmm Max, as of a couple of years ago...Cadbury's is American owned!!! So technically...it IS American Chocolate...now! (That's probably why Dr. Insomnia doesn't like it....!) As a British chocolate, it ruled the British (and British owned) market for decades!!
Dustin R.
May 11, 2013
Once they've sat in the freezer/fridge for 10 mins are they ok to leave out for good without fear melting? Assuming I didn't do a perfect tempering...
April 1, 2013
Wow - what a sin! It was real fun to make them, even if we have no cup measure at home. We made them without lactose, with dark chocolate and magarine. Normaly we couldn't eat such sweets because of the ingredients, so this is a nice alternative for choc & sugar overdose.
March 31, 2013
I made these and they are wonderful-yes sweet and rich, but hardly so in comparison to the real deal. And made with 'real' ingredients. Impressive to cut in half, but admittedly VERY finicky to make. Very finicky.
March 30, 2013
I made these today and love them! The recipe was easy to follow, thank you for that. I made them very small which I am now grateful for because small bites are better.
March 30, 2013
I made these yesterday with my daughter, they are great, I didnt add the flavouring and added too much vanilla for my liking, but it's a fantastic recipe. I would recommend go small, very sweet.
March 30, 2013
Um, Golden Syrup is quite possibly the worst ingredient suggestion ever. All it does is make the recipe have a sickeningly strong caramel taste. So I'm sure whoever created this recipe thinks that they have somehow outsmarted Cadbury but all they have really shown is how completely ignorant they are of the difference in sweetening agents.
Mizz A.
April 3, 2013
Not sure why you have this need to be so freakin' rude...really?? Get off your high horse and just accept what it is...a different recipe version on what the store sells.
Lorraine S.
April 5, 2014
I agree x some people make you sick, delicious I think x brilliant recipe X
Andrea G.
April 5, 2014
Yes, anyone who likes the taste of something you don't like the taste of is wrong and bad and stupid, you and you alone know which are the correct foods. It's not as though it's a matter of taste or anything.
March 30, 2013
I've just made these, skipping colouring the center both to save time and not use food coloring, honey instead of golden syrup, and with almond extract instead of orange blossom water. They turned out perfectly, and I'm going to have a hard time stopping myself from eating them all before Easter dinner!
Ingrid C.
March 29, 2013
These are ridiculously sweet. I recommend making them quite small.
April 12, 2014
I thought about using saffron to color as well, but was nervous it would affect the taste too much. Could you pick up on the saffron taste a lot? Did you end up trying turmeric? Thanks!
March 28, 2013
We're making these tonight in preparation for Easter. I'm planning on flavoring some of them orange and some of them lemon flavored. Do you think it would work to dye the yolks with saffron? I don't generally use any food coloring, and don't really want to buy some just for this.
March 29, 2013
Do you have plain tumeric? You can make a paste with simple syrup and it makes a pretty decent yellow dye.
March 29, 2013
That's a great idea too! Wound up using saffron, and it worked pretty well. Next time I'll try turmeric to compare.
April 12, 2014
I thought about using saffron to color as well, but was nervous it would affect the taste too much. Could you pick up on the saffron taste a lot? Did you end up trying turmeric? Thanks!
April 12, 2014
I only used saffron. It didn't affect the flavor much, but the yolks were very pale, not striking like in the photos of the ones made with dye.
March 28, 2013
What a great idea! I'm curious as to how long these last. Could I make them a few days in advance of Easter? Should they be refrigerated until serving?
Paige D.
March 28, 2013
I made these yesterday and they are wonderful! They are quite easy to make and would be great to do with kids once you have the process down (or at least a good understanding of it). The other reviews are correct- the 'yolks' and 'whites' must be very cold-work near your freezer. Also, another reviewer commented on the amount of 'yolk' (said separating dying 1/3 of the mixture is too much) and I agree- I had about 6 extra yolks (so I made some mini yolk-only eggs!). Also, great advice on inserting the toothpicks into a potato; however, you will need to stabilize your potato(s) somehow (I wished I had cut off the bottom of mine, as it wanted to roll over once the toothpicks were inserted. My husband is not a Cadbury Egg fan, but he loved these!
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