Photo by Julia Gartland
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June 8, 2023
My grandma had a hand mixer, but not an electric one.
She taught us to cream sugar and butter by first creaming the butter with a big spoon, then adding the sugar gradually, still creaming with the big spoon. I still do it if I don’t want other people to be bothered by the sound of the mixer.
My grandma also loved to make meringue. She put the egg whites in a platter with rimmed sides, then beat them with a silver fork. She would add the sugar slowly, often having someone else do that.
I never mastered the meringue in a platter approach though.
She taught us to cream sugar and butter by first creaming the butter with a big spoon, then adding the sugar gradually, still creaming with the big spoon. I still do it if I don’t want other people to be bothered by the sound of the mixer.
My grandma also loved to make meringue. She put the egg whites in a platter with rimmed sides, then beat them with a silver fork. She would add the sugar slowly, often having someone else do that.
I never mastered the meringue in a platter approach though.
May 24, 2023
I looked up ‘how to cream butter w/o a mixer’ bc it’s currently 1:24 am and cannot make such noise using my mixer. Thank you for sharing! :)
March 13, 2022
Personally I find it way easier to swap the fork and the spoon, i.e. use fork just to mash the butter slightly, and then a spoon (a plain, not even a wooden one) to beat it all the way through. Bonus points if you also made powdered sugar by hand as well, with the same spoon, before! Also, for some reason my butter, on the contrary, gets even more yellow in color as it creams, not whiter. Which seems to make more sense to me in fact, since sugar is yellow.
March 18, 2022
P.S.: another tip that makes it easier for me is beating butter for a couple of minutes without any sugar first, and only then adding the sugar.
Marit G.
March 11, 2020
That was always my job as a child when my moter was baking, stir and stir and stir etc Is it white now! No, keep going!
September 24, 2019
It works just as well to use your hand from start to finish. Your body heat softens the butter, you can feel the lumps in the sugar to smash, and after the texture gets fluffy, you can keep on going to incorporate eggs and vanilla. The bonus after you scrape the yummy off and wash your hand- how very soft your skin will feel
Maria P.
May 6, 2020
My mother would use her hands also. So do I at times. You can feel the process.
September 22, 2019
This is how I was taught to do it. Wooden spoon. I would ask my mother if it was good enough but usually the answer was to keep beating. I must admit, I now usually use my stand mixer.
Marie N.
April 12, 2019
I have an uncle that was a cook in the U.S. Army. He was helping to prepare and cook the food that was to be served at my rehearsal dinner 39 years ago. The meal was being prepared at another family members home who did not own a mixer. My uncle asked me to cream the butter & sugar for a cake he was planning to make. When he handed me the bowl with butter, sugar, and a fork inside to do the creaming I was in shock. He kept me at that creaming until he felt no grittiness as he swiped his fingertip along the bottom of that bowl. I do believe that was likely the best creaming of butter & sugar that I've ever done. I'll always remember it.
Hà T.
January 10, 2017
Hi, i live in a tropical country. The temp around here is 30~33, 27 28 in the morning and night so the butter will soften very quickly when i am creaming it. Before it get buff up, some parts kinda turn into luqid. Can i cream it for couple of minutes and put it back in the fridge then start again until it's light and luffy?
Thank you!
Thank you!
December 3, 2014
My grandmother did it all with her hands. The heat of her hands melted the sugar into the butter.
Jean H.
March 7, 2014
Cream butter and sugar with a mixer??? Always the back of a wooden spoon. The spoon used only for baking.
April 9, 2014
And how my mother taught me, when I was a young girl, before we had an electric mixer of any kind. Back of a wooden spoon, all the way, not bothering with a fork; it's even possible to do it with butter out of the fridge, if you're patient. (Cut it into small bit and get to work. The friction will warm it up in no time.) ;o)
March 6, 2014
I didn't feel old until I read this. I'm 30-something and this is how I learned how to cream butter since we didn't own a mixer. This is still how I do it. The only time my mixer comes out is if I'm baking a cake or mixing masa for tamales.
Melanie A.
March 6, 2014
I must be a bit older or maybe just more old fashioned but I was really surprised to come across something explaining how to do this. My 86 year old mother still creams her sugar with a wooden tool my dad had made for her. It's like a big wooden ball on a stick that weighs about 1 kilo and works a charm.
March 6, 2014
Who creams butter with a fork??? The whole principle is to have the sugar crystals cut into the fat to aerate it. How can you do that with a fork? You started on the right track - mix with a wooden spoon. You could have stopped there. Using a wooden spoon to mix in the butter and sugar is the perfect mechanism for combining the two smoothly. Bonus points goes to those who use the back of the spoon to "push" the butter and sugar together. This creates a light fluffy texture sans mixer. Your finished product in the picture looks greasy and not well incorporated.
je M.
March 6, 2014
My hand mixer broke halfway through creaming butter and sugar the other day for blackberry jam shortbread, and I had to finish by hand just like this. I was contemplating replacing it, but now maybe I won't. You're right, my grandmother didn't have one.
March 6, 2014
I remember my mother and grandmother using this technique, long before mixers were household appliances. They made angel food cakes by beating the egg whites by hand as well.
Virginia P.
March 6, 2014
I did this just the other night making Ginger Molasses cookies. I don't have a mixer so, I do this every time I bake anything actually. It works really well. And yes, it takes a bit more time and some arm/neck strength but not a ton. :)
Melanie B.
March 6, 2014
I remember in home ec. class about 20 years ago that we would stand the bowl (with the butter and sugar in it) in a sink of hot water and would beat it. This would soften the butter, then (before it would melt) we would take the bowl out, wrap the base in a tea towel, hold it in one arm (cradled next to our bodies) and continue beating, with a wooden spoon, until it was creamed. Sometimes I still use this method if I can't be bothered getting the mixer out.
March 6, 2014
What a nice home ec. class. Mine involved this French toast made with off-brand Wonder Brand that still makes me shudder.
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