How far in advance should I "dry" fresh challah bread to use for stuffing?
I'm making the stuffing on Saturday, it's now Wednesday. I have the challah bread and know that it needs to be somewhat stale for the stuffing, but wasn't sure how far in advance I should slice and start this process.
healthierkitchenDecember 22, 2011
For thanksgiving, I cut mine up on tuesday and made the stuffing on Thursday. It also depends how moist and fresh the challah is at the time you cut it.
meganvt01December 22, 2011
And if it isn't dry enough, you can always pop it in a low oven (250 - 300) until the moisture is gone.
drbabsDecember 22, 2011
I think overnight would be fine. On the theory that drier is better, you could probably do it whenever you have time between now and Friday. Happy holidays!
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