If you are totally set on doing this, know your conversions. There are 16 Tablespoons in a cup and 3 teaspoons in a Tablespoon. So, convert your 1/4 cups to Tablespoons (4 Tablespoons equals 1/4 cup) and halve those. If you don't have a 1/8 teaspoon measure (few and far between -- although the latest set of measuring spoons I bought has one), you're going to have to do your best to fill 1/4 t only half way. There are 3 teaspoons in a Tablespoon, so half of 3 T is 1 T plus 1-1/2 t . That should be all you need to do the math, but I agree that kimhw's thoughts are even better.
Or bake the first 6 then add a little something to the mix and bake them off as well -- chocolate, cinnamon and allspice, espresso powder…
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