If I'm making this for a crowd, would I be able to cook the meat about 15-20 minutes ahead and keep it in the oven as it cooks? If I keep it at 25...

...0F, will it not dry out? Thank you!

  • Posted by: Skydo
  • February 4, 2014
Caramelized Pork Bánh Mì
Recipe question for: Caramelized Pork Bánh Mì


Skydo February 6, 2014
Thanks so much everyone!
sexyLAMBCHOPx February 4, 2014
I would say yes!
nancy E. February 4, 2014
I personally would rather eat these little beauties at room temperature then have to chew them hot and dry. They will be delicious. good luck with your party
petitbleu February 4, 2014
I would say yes, but put the pieces of meat on a platter and cover with foil. It sounds like the pieces are thin enough that drying out could be a problem unless you cover them.
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