What to make with beef chuck short ribs and no dutch oven?

I have 1.5 lbs of panic bought beef chuck short ribs in my freezer and no dutch oven access to braise them in the oven. Anyone have a smallish batch recipe for short ribs that can be cooked on the stovetop with a regular big pot?

Lindsay Fricano


SMSF April 23, 2020
You can use your "regular" pot to braise short ribs in the oven unless there's some reason not to. Oven braising is nice because the heat surrounds the pot vs. just the bottom surface.
Lindsay F. April 23, 2020
There’s some plastic grip on the handles that I don’t think will survive the heat!
Nancy April 27, 2020
Any oven-proof pot, like a 12 inch cast iron skillet, could be used.
Fashion a top out of foil or some other piece of equipment, and you can braise in the oven.
Gammy April 22, 2020
I had 1 package (pound or so) of short ribs and a package (same weight) of oxtails and used this Beef Barley soup as a starting point. It was marvelous!!!
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