What is traditional aioli? Is it just fancy mayo?

I’ve been told aioli is supposed to have verrrrrry little mayo in it as opposed to being some mayo with some garlic and maybe another addition. I know it’s a bit more than just ‘fancy mayo’ but what are the truly traditional proportions?

  • Posted by: Jane
  • September 13, 2023


SEO O. April 18, 2024
Yeah you are right it is the same plus check this menupanda (https://menupanda.pk/)
Whiteantlers September 14, 2023
Is aioli the same as mayonnaise? NO! Aioli is NOT mayonnaise.

What Is Aioli? | Cooking School | Food Network
What Is the Difference Between Aioli and Mayonnaise? Although both aioli and mayo are creamy, white emulsions made with egg, the two condiments have distinctly different flavors. That's because aioli is made with olive oil, while mayonnaise is made with a neutral oil.

2 garlic cloves
1 large egg yolk
2 tsp. fresh lemon juice
½ tsp. Dijon mustard
¼ cup extra-virgin olive oil
3 Tbsp. vegetable oil
Step 1
Mince and mash garlic to a paste with a pinch of salt using a large heavy knife. Whisk together yolk, lemon juice, and mustard in a bowl. Combine oils and add, a few drops at a time, to yolk mixture, whisking constantly, until all oil is incorporated and mixture is emulsified. (If mixture separates, stop adding oil and continue whisking until mixture comes together, then resume adding oil.)

Step 2
Whisk in garlic paste and season with salt and pepper. If aïoli is too thick, whisk in 1 or 2 drops of water. Chill, covered, until ready to use.

Editor’s note:
This recipe was originally published in the September 2002 issue of ‘Gourmet’ and first appeared on Epicurious in August 2004.
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