A question about a recipe: Almond Cake with Orange-Flower Water Syrup

I have a question about the recipe "Almond Cake with Orange-Flower Water Syrup" from amusebouche.

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1 Comment

SKK May 21, 2011
I think you mean Orange Flower Water Syrup.

The following is taken from an article in the Seattle PI. "Happily, imported orange-flower water is available at gourmet and Middle Eastern grocery stores. It also can be purchased online. When priced this week, a 3-ounce bottle of A. Monteux orange-flower water, made in the south of France, cost $4.49 at www.chefshop.com; while a 10-ounce bottle of Lebanese orange-flower water cost $4.95 at The Baker's Catalogue shop.bakerscatalogue.com. Here in Seattle, DeLaurenti Specialty Food & Wine (1435 First Ave.; 206-622-0141) sells a 10-ounce bottle of Lebanese orange-flower water for $3.99; a 3-ounce French product goes for $3.39."


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