I need to veganize alot of our Thanksgiving this year due to some family members heatlh. I make a rich bread that is vegan that will be great i...

...n place of the challah, but do you think olive oil could be successful in place of the butter

Stephanie G


Stephanie G. November 3, 2011
I love that! I would never have thought of the beans.
wssmom November 3, 2011
I think you could use some olive oil and some pureed white beans in place of the butter ....
hardlikearmour November 3, 2011
That's a great idea, wssmom!
Stephanie G. November 3, 2011
Thanks! I'm not a fan of Earth Balance either! Can't wait to try it.
ATG117 November 3, 2011
I'd go with the olive oil as I'm not a fan of margarine and butter substitutes.
sdebrango November 2, 2011
I think olive oil would be fine, you could also use Earth Balance, it's a vegan margerine. Would give the flavor of butter (sort of) without the dairy.
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