Five ways to ensure that you'll never end up with flavorless hockey pucks.
Put your burger knowledge to the test with this quick quiz.
Here's our definitive guide to burgers.
How to make the perfect cheeseburger, from bun to beef and everything in between.
Forget about those frozen hockey puck-looking things. Associate Editor Marian Bull shows us how to...
When you think you can't eat another burger, think again.
Burgers reign supreme.
Show off a little -- and secure your place over the fire for good.
The results are in -- here are the recipes our community loved from the Your Best Burger contest!
The best recipes from our latest burger contest.
A novel way to work fresh herbs and a bit of spice into dinner.
It's that time again -- help us pick the contest finalists for Your Best Burger!
There's no Omnivore's Dilemma here: Patrick Martins, the founder of Heritage Foods USA, schools us...
How will you build the perfect burger?
Showing 14 of 91 results