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October 22, 2021
What's the problem with most Cilantro bunches at the Grocery, NO FLAVOR! Well, there's a simple solution to find the best bunch - give it a shake and then sniff, if the fragrance hits you, buy it, if not, try another bunch!
September 16, 2021
I only once found too much cilantro in a recipe and that was walnut cilantro pesto. On the other hand, pistachio pesto was very good. I think the slight bitterness of the unskinned walnuts (who has the patience to skin walnuts) with the cilantro was not a good combination
September 14, 2013
Who in their right mind keeps eating something disgusting to them in order to make themselves like it? Yeah, keep eating it and you'll like it? What mentality is that? I don't like arsenic but I will if I keep eating it. I hate cilantro and always will. If my brain is offended by it, if it makes me gag, if my response is to spit it out, well then my brain is protecting me. Won't surprise me if we learn soon that cilantro causes cancer.
August 18, 2013
I never realized how polarizing cilantro is! Who knew? I know more people who object to cumin. Luckily, I love both. But don't get me started about beets....
Karl R.
August 9, 2013
I usually love cilantro, though sometimes it catches me off guard as soapy and gross - any evidence it varies by variety?
August 9, 2013
I planted 3 varieties this year to test any 'hypothesis ' that may be postulated. The coriander seeds from the Indian stores (which are a bit elongated , football shaped compared to the more spherical ones you find in seed packets), the other was a Delfino which has finger like leaves rather than tha Palm shaped ones that the other 2 varieties yield. The delfino was definitely more delicate & citrussy, as compared to the other two. The Indian store seeds yielded delicate plants with thin stems, the other one was the typical thick seeded ones that you see in the supermarket. I don't taste the soapiness, so cant judge on that factor.
August 9, 2013
For years I despised cilantro, just couldn't tolerate the flavor. Then, magically, a coworker brought in a Thai dish, and it looked so delicious, I couldn't resist tasting - I became an instant convert! Now, I'm rocking Asian and Mexican dishes :)
Alison L.
August 9, 2013
Former cilantro hater here! I published this essay on hating / loving it, and a bunch of other foods:
August 9, 2013
Put me in the cilantro lover category. Years ago a friend gave me an entire cookbook of cilantro recipes and I've never looked back.
Renee G.
August 9, 2013
so interesting really. I used to hate it because it tasted like soap. Now I love, love, love it!
August 9, 2013
All I can say is that if it's a choice between life or cilantro...adios! And BTW, soap tastes better than cilantro.
Ann C.
August 9, 2013
My understanding about Cilantro is that it is one of the herbs that can be used in heavy metals detoxification. Perhaps the revulsion some feel towards it, and their violent reactions, are the result of heavy metals toxins in the body, and not the *true* reaction of the taster. I've heard it said in the alternative medical communities that those with little or no amalgam dental work seem to be cilantro lovers, and those with a great deal of amalgam dental work, and those who have been tested and found positive for high levels of heavy metal poisoning revile it. Not saying there is a definite connection, but it made me think...
August 9, 2013
I don't have heavy metals in my body. Go through detox of many kinds on a regular basis. I have NO mercury in my mouth. And I can't stand cilantro. Try again!
August 9, 2013
That's an interesting piece of Information..I don't know if its something about Cilantro being included in the daily Diet from early child hood which would depend upon the native cuisine you grew up with.
I used to spit it out as a child (driving my mother crazy), but only because I hated the soft stems that clung to the tongue when eating it, The taste never bothered me at all.
I used to spit it out as a child (driving my mother crazy), but only because I hated the soft stems that clung to the tongue when eating it, The taste never bothered me at all.
Chris O.
August 8, 2013
I loooooove cilantro. But I wish my Vietnamese sandwich shop would leave the stems off my bánh mì. Stems are awful. Otherwise, give it to me.
Katie P.
August 8, 2013
Yeah, I'm personal proof that it's not genetic but experiential. The first times I tasted it (and not just a few times, but maybe the first four years or so) it tasted utterly awful. Like an explosion of soap in my mouth. Like, gag inducing. But it's in so many foods that I love that I just kept eating it. Eventually the taste just... changed. It was really cool actually. The soap flavor just faded away and the herb flavor came to the forefront. My brain was just building new connections. Now I love it.
August 8, 2013
How we taste this is genetic but context matters. too! While I love cilantro, I always ask preferences before using it in cooking. I just used mint as an alternative as suggested by a recipe at foodinjars.com. It does the trick!
August 8, 2013
Learned that I am actually allergic to it. Want to see me run???? I become an Olympic sprinter.
Ken W.
August 8, 2013
The roots and stems have an entirely different flavor profile. They can be difficult to get because many suppliers remove the roots before packaging. We grow cilantro in our garden at school just so I can harvest the roots-but you have to wait until the plant bolts in order to get a significant amount of root.
August 8, 2013
My Partner is in the "hater crowd". However he discovered while making Thai Curries that the stem and roots don't bother him, and he trims off all the leaf. I get the cilantro flavor and he doesn't complain about that "Filthy nasty soap weed". This might not work for you or yours, but worth trying.
Ken W.
August 8, 2013
Love cilantro! And be sure to save the roots (freeze) as they are an essential ingredient in Thai curries.
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