8 Not-Sad Lunches for School or the Office (+ Tools to Make Packing Them Easy)
Caroline Lange
September 2, 2016
Remembering, in the hazy, golden-warm days of summer, that school (and work) lunches need to be packed, feels a little bit like being hit with the door on the way out. (Oof.) But a not-sad desk lunch for you and/or your kiddos isn't an achievement to be won—it's just a rhythm to get into. And it starts with a little planning, a well-stocked pantry, and a few special touches.
Here are a few of our go-to very-not-sad lunches, plus the tools that make packing them even easier:
Pack curried chickpeas in one jar, a fat handful of greens in another.
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The pot's for big batches of lentils—and the book? Either lunchtime reading, or more Genius recipe inspiration.
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Falafel in one compartment, fun toppings (and zippy, meal-rounding-out pickles) in another.
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Never run out of plastic sandwich baggies again.
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Pure comfort in every way.
We love packing lunch in sturdy, compact, leak-proof jars. A separate compartment keeps dressings and sauces separate.
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Keep a box of crackers in your office and you practically have instant lunch—just add cheese. Or a thermos full of soup!
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Just add fresh veg for dipping (and maybe some olives, too.)
Speaking of special touches...
What was in your lunchbox as a kid? Tell us in the comments.
Writing and cooking in Brooklyn.
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1 Comment
August 20, 2018
All these recipes and containers make me laugh. I well remember my mother nakinig 10 peanutbutter/jelly sandwiches wrapping them in waxed paper, and doling them out into various lunch boxes, sacks and one wrapped in newspaper and tied with string just for me. Fridays were a areal treat: tuna salad day (tuna, mayo, chopped onion) and we all loved it. I wonder what she'd think of all these containers?
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