I want to make bread this weekend to use in this stuffing. What FOOD52 bread recipe do you recommend that I use? Thanks so much, everyone. ;o)



Kristen M. November 23, 2012
AntoniaJames November 23, 2012
To follow up, the stuffing turned out great! My family couldn't keep their grubby paws off the rosemary stout ciabatta bread (which makes phenomenal toast), so I also used equal parts pain de campagne made with my wild yeast levain and a noticeable amount of whole rye flour, as well as a semolina and olive oil enriched pizza crust I'd baked without any toppings. Outstanding combination. The herb croutons alone are just amazing. ;o)
Kristen M. November 19, 2012
I love Lagunitas IPA -- great choice! So glad it was a success -- thanks for reporting back.
AntoniaJames November 19, 2012
Kristen, I made this, using a Lagunitas IPA and rosemary that I chopped within about thirty seconds after picking it. Unbelievable! Absolutely to die for. One loaf turned out to be exactly a pound (pure luck); that one will go into the stuffing. (Actually, it's going into the chorizo and sweet potato contest-winning stuffing, due to a last minute request by my son.) The other loaf has just about disappeared; it makes phenomenal toast. ;o)
AntoniaJames November 16, 2012
I see that this has a 100% hydration poolish, which is the same as my wild yeast levain, so this will work well for me. (And yes, a lighter beer would definitely be in order for this use.) Thanks so much! ;o)
Kristen M. November 16, 2012
I think this one would be great, although you might want to substitute a milder beer (which ChezSuzanne says you can do): http://www.food52.com/recipes/3967_rosemary_ciabatta_with_stout_beer
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