Suggestions for vegan christmas menu

Does anyone have any good vegan meal ideas for Christmas? I would be so grateful!

Rachel Rothstein


ivysmushbowl December 15, 2012
My dad makes this really great and hearty vegan casserole with brown rice and cashews. It's delicious! It's one of those dishes that you throw all of the ingredients together and bake it- so easy. I don't have the recipe on hand but it might serve as some inspiration for you!
Sadassa_Ulna December 14, 2012
I came across this today and thought of your question: you could use a savory pastry dough instead of puff pastry if you were inclined, along the lines of this:

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lloreen December 13, 2012
You will have no trouble finding delicious vegan side dishes, so what I would suggest is to choose something that works as a "main" and then plan around that. Something with an impressive presentation, that looks hearty and satisfying. I like Emily's idea of squash stuffed with rice pilaf. An individual half of a small squash would be an attractive presentation. Or Smitten kitchen has a recipe for mushroom bourguignon that is rich, earthy, and delicious. You could make it vegan by subbing olive oil for the butter:
It would look pretty served in individual tourines (I have seen some from Le Creuset at Marshalls for very cheap) maybe over a sage polenta or vegan noodles...
em-i-lis December 13, 2012
the mushroom bourg is a great idea, lloreen!
hardlikearmour December 13, 2012
This vegan main is very delicious and impressive:
My coconut cajeta and chocolate fondue is really rich & creamy, plus fun!:
ChefJune December 13, 2012
Robin Asbell's new book, "Big Vegan" is sure to give you lots of great menu ideas.
Rochel L. December 12, 2012
You might find inspiration in nava atlas' vegan holiday menus cookbook..
em-i-lis December 12, 2012
Hi there,
This Brussels sprouts slaw is absolutely fabulous (wish I'd made this one up!!):
I enjoy these orange lassi-inspired carrots too:
And these cherry-pecan-rice pilaf stuffed winter squash are delish; you could use a vegan milk and cheese in lieu of the minimal amounts here:
lastly, this blackberry pie is absolutely perfect in my humble opinion. you could use a vegan crust or experiment w/ subbing a vegan milk for the 1/4 c here...
Good luck!
hardlikearmour December 13, 2012
I love that brussels sprouts slaw, too!
Rachel R. December 14, 2012
Wow, thank you so much for the great ideas! My mom would love the brussels sprouts slaw.
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