Best way to make fruit filled puff pastry in advance?
I’m making peach rosettes for a friends birthday Friday. You layer thin slices of peaches on strips of puff pastry, then roll it up so it resembles a rose. Since I’m going right after work and can’t prep and bake then, which of these would make for the best option?
A: prep and bake that morning and store at room temperature. (I’m worried the pastry will get soggy).
B. Prep the day before, freeze, and then bake them just before I go. I will have time for this.
C. A better option I haven’t thought of...
On the other hand, if you thaw and bake them in muffin or cupcake pan (to help hold up the sides) that would probably work too.
Now I have a new problem. I froze them and baked one to test. It looked great but the puff pastry was raw in the middle. I baked in a convection oven at 375 for 30 minutes. Should I defrost first? Adust the time/temp?
Didn't sound like you had time to thaw them after work.
In your place I would just bake them a few more minutes.
Check for browning on the bottom and if you see it, either reduce temp or test for doneness.
Also, not exactly on topic, here's some general reassurance from Cook's Illustrated on using thawed & refrozen puff pastry dough.